
Teenagers have their whole life ahead of them. Education and career. Friends and family. One wonderful chapter after another. As parents, there is nothing in our own lives that we will ever do that is as important as making sure our kids have the chance to make that journey.

Power To The Parent helps Westchester parents learn how to keep teens safe from alcohol and other drugs. On this website, access information and get inspiration.

• The Parent Toolkit provides tips to keep your teen safe

• Get the facts about alcohol and other drugs

• Understand the laws that affect Westchester families

• Learn the warning signs

• Find more resources to empower you

As parents, we want our teenagers to live the best life possible. There are so many great moments ahead for them. Let’s do everything we can to help them live to tell about it.

Funding was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 5U79SP01556 from SAMHSA. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.