The Most Advanced Radiation Oncology Technology In Rhode Island. Now at Roger Williams Cancer Center. OElekta Versa HD Our New Linear Accelerator Provides Incredible Accuracy and Patient Safety. Roger Williams Radiation Therapy/21st Century Oncology, part of the Genesiscare network, has acquired the remarkoble Versa HD inear accelerator from Elekta. This stunning new technology allows rodiotion treatment of concer tumors with pinpoint multi-dimensional accuracy, including pitch, yow and roll alignment that achieves accuracy with 2-3 millimeters of the target. This enobles more effective manogement of the cancer while minimizing the impoct of treatment on the patient's quality of ife. This is a level of ultromodem theropeutic technology that is unparolleled anywhere in Rhode Island. It will improve clinical outcomes as well as patient quality of life following treatment. And, it underscores Roger wiliams' leadership in providing Rhode Islanders with convenient access to all modalities of concer care, including surgical, medical and radiation Roger Williams oncology and bone marrow replacement therapy. CANCER CENTER To refer the patient to the rodiation oncology team please call 456-2690 To refer the patient to the cancer center please call 401-456-2077 For information, visit The Most Advanced Radiation Oncology Technology In Rhode Island. Now at Roger Williams Cancer Center. OElekta Versa HD Our New Linear Accelerator Provides Incredible Accuracy and Patient Safety. Roger Williams Radiation Therapy/21st Century Oncology, part of the Genesiscare network, has acquired the remarkoble Versa HD inear accelerator from Elekta. This stunning new technology allows rodiotion treatment of concer tumors with pinpoint multi-dimensional accuracy, including pitch, yow and roll alignment that achieves accuracy with 2-3 millimeters of the target. This enobles more effective manogement of the cancer while minimizing the impoct of treatment on the patient's quality of ife. This is a level of ultromodem theropeutic technology that is unparolleled anywhere in Rhode Island. It will improve clinical outcomes as well as patient quality of life following treatment. And, it underscores Roger wiliams' leadership in providing Rhode Islanders with convenient access to all modalities of concer care, including surgical, medical and radiation Roger Williams oncology and bone marrow replacement therapy. CANCER CENTER To refer the patient to the rodiation oncology team please call 456-2690 To refer the patient to the cancer center please call 401-456-2077 For information, visit