RHODE ISLAND BUSINESSES ARE READY TO HIRE We need to give them the opportunity to grow. Growing Rhode Island's economy will require smart investments, programs that educate and train talent and a climate that supports businesses of all sizes. As we continue our recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, the Partnership for Rhode Island stands in support of a competitive business climate and employment opportunities for all Rhode Islanders. SUPPORTING WOMEN- PRIORITIZING NO TAX STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND SCHOOLS AND MINORITY-OWNED INCREASES BUSINESSES MAKING SMART EXPANDING CONTINUING WORKFORCE TRAINING STIMULUS FUND SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENTS PROGRAMS PROGRAMS Let's work together to keep Rhode Island competitive. Paid for by the Partnership for Rhode Island www.PartnershipforRhodelsland.com RHODE ISLAND BUSINESSES ARE READY TO HIRE We need to give them the opportunity to grow. Growing Rhode Island's economy will require smart investments, programs that educate and train talent and a climate that supports businesses of all sizes. As we continue our recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, the Partnership for Rhode Island stands in support of a competitive business climate and employment opportunities for all Rhode Islanders. SUPPORTING WOMEN- PRIORITIZING NO TAX STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND SCHOOLS AND MINORITY-OWNED INCREASES BUSINESSES MAKING SMART EXPANDING CONTINUING WORKFORCE TRAINING STIMULUS FUND SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENTS PROGRAMS PROGRAMS Let's work together to keep Rhode Island competitive. Paid for by the Partnership for Rhode Island www.PartnershipforRhodelsland.com