
South County is home to some of the most beautiful beaches and scenic landscape in all of Rhode lsland. As a RI residential architect, I create spaces that capture these views and bring light and beauty into your home. My in-depth knowledge of the area, the local codes, and the construction process, combined with creative sketching allows me to assess your project and organize your specific wishes and needs. I have an extensive portfolio of projects that range from new construction beach houses, to additions and renovations, each uniquely designed to meet the client's specific program.

My specialty is a well-crafted beach cottage. To create a home that is a perfect fit for its setting and for the client is my goal. I specialize in creating homes that work with the landscape and have very efficient layout. Materials and details are specified thoughtfully resulting in a home that is functional, cost effective and energy efficient. My experience includes a comfortable mix of new construction homes and beach cottage remodeling and renovation projects.